Stress is not your enemy. Stress is like dark chocolate. A little of it won’t kill you. In fact, small blocks here and there can be good for you, or […]
In my busy practice of homeopathy I chose to study and get trained in Yoga. To my notice I saw yoga is just like homeopathy. Homeopathy is based on 2 […]
In a world of hectic lifestyles, desk-jobs and pollution, health seems a faraway thing. Every body is in a rat race, for career, for money, social position and finally before […]
A holiday, a retreat, a workshop, an adventure: Our next chapter!
Do you remember playing statue as a child? No matter what you are doing, if a friend says statue…you abide. And all world comes to a stand still. The itch […]
Today’s generation likes to call themselves ”millennial,” they are the “gadget” generation! Because there is competition in every field since the child enters the kindergarden! Everyone wants to be first […]
It has been some 2.5 million years since first stone tools were developed. Since then man has survived the evolutionary test- the rain, the storm, the dinosaurs and even each […]
Whether you work in a demanding corporate or own a taxing business or run the show at home or are a student groping in the dark. We all have long […]
The Five Subtle Elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether or Space form the basis for all things found in the material creation, from a grain of sand to the complex […]
May is the month where most of the Indian traveling takes place due to vacation in schools, colleges and weddings. Traveling is exciting when you are adventure junkie, foodie, when […]
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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