A father is every son’s first hero and every daughter’s first love. That, in itself, is proof that your father is an awesome person and he deserves a medal. He […]
A holiday, a retreat, a workshop, an adventure: Our next chapter!
Water has been identified as a vital nutrient in recent times, the nutritional importance of which has remained elusive among the nutrition fraternity due to its ubiquitous nature. Water […]
Often we find ourselves struggling to curb food cravings during the day. Most of the times, several environmental triggers are at play. In this age of media bombardment, its quite […]
Today’s generation likes to call themselves ”millennial,” they are the “gadget” generation! Because there is competition in every field since the child enters the kindergarden! Everyone wants to be first […]
Whether you work in a demanding corporate or own a taxing business or run the show at home or are a student groping in the dark. We all have long […]
14th November as we all know is celebrated as World Diabetes day, a disease which is rapidly growing in India. India has the highest number of diabetic cases in the […]
The Five Subtle Elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether or Space form the basis for all things found in the material creation, from a grain of sand to the complex […]
What is PCOD?? PCOD is a condition where a woman doesn’t ovulate because the body is producing excess androgens and there is infertility. Androgens are a group of hormones that […]
I am happy to share a patient’s cure journey with you in today’s blog. She was treated only with homeopathy and healthy diet choices. A 30 years female came with […]
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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