A father is every son’s first hero and every daughter’s first love. That, in itself, is proof that your father is an awesome person and he deserves a medal. He brought you into this world and has done everything in his power to make your life better. He has kept the family together and stayed […]
A holiday, a retreat, a workshop, an adventure: Our next chapter!
Water has been identified as a vital nutrient in recent times, the nutritional importance of which has remained elusive among the nutrition fraternity due to its ubiquitous nature. Water intake has been stressed upon recently, as it has dropped considerably among urban Indians due to hectic lifestyles and erratic work routines. Decreased water intake […]
Often we find ourselves struggling to curb food cravings during the day. Most of the times, several environmental triggers are at play. In this age of media bombardment, its quite natural to be vulnerable to the temptations which arises when we happen to pass by a popular roadside eatery, bakery or patisserie and the lingering […]
Today’s generation likes to call themselves ”millennial,” they are the “gadget” generation! Because there is competition in every field since the child enters the kindergarden! Everyone wants to be first and wants success in every field! So in order to overcome such situations, children are required to work hard. But working hard isn’t enough,as not […]
Whether you work in a demanding corporate or own a taxing business or run the show at home or are a student groping in the dark. We all have long days, stress, and errands that can get in the way of a healthy lifestyle. It’s no surprise that we’re facing increasing demands on our time […]
14th November as we all know is celebrated as World Diabetes day, a disease which is rapidly growing in India. India has the highest number of diabetic cases in the world. In short India is the Diabetic capital of the world. Two important factors that contribute to such high number of cases are unhealthy eating […]
The Five Subtle Elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether or Space form the basis for all things found in the material creation, from a grain of sand to the complex physiology of every human being. The elements or the Pancha Maha Bhutas as the Vedas describe them are the fundamental building blocks of the Universe. These 5 elements are […]
What is PCOD?? PCOD is a condition where a woman doesn’t ovulate because the body is producing excess androgens and there is infertility. Androgens are a group of hormones that include testosterone, DHEA-S and androstenedione. They are responsible for most PCOS symptoms, including infertility, acne, hirsutism, and male pattern balding. A blood test is needed […]
I am happy to share a patient’s cure journey with you in today’s blog. She was treated only with homeopathy and healthy diet choices. A 30 years female came with c/o excessive hair growth, acne and weight gain. Recently she has taken hormonal treatment and had a missed abortion. The hair growth has increased tremendously […]
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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