What is Learning Disability? Learning disability is a neurological disorder. It is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities for example household tasks, socialising or managing money which […]
A holiday, a retreat, a workshop, an adventure: Our next chapter!
Music is not discovered or invented, it’s innate in all of us. It’s not come to surprise then sound healing is been used since many years for healing and harmonizing […]
SOUL’S TEMPLE, by Dr. Tarmy Kansagra Inspiring you to live a life, being in touch with your own divinity, brightening your universe around. It is easy, it is simple […]
Diabetes is a metabolic disease which can be caused by different causes and affect Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. We all know about it, we all have a friend/relative suffering […]
What is Homeopathy? Discovered in late 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the world’s second largest system of medicine. It […]
Remember the last time you cried whole heartedly? Remember the last time you felt angry and could shout? When was the last time you felt so happy about something and […]
A 3 years male child visited with mother white pearly eruptions (Molluscum) on face, chest, and hands since 5 months. He also gets recurrent Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) whenever […]
A case summary of severe psoriasis cured with homeopathy
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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