What are behaviour problems in children? …Children like every individual haves emotions Affection, Love, Hate, Fear, Anxiety, Timidity, Defiance children express their emotions by weeping, laughing, throwing tantrum and by […]
Hello Friends… All of us have come across Headaches….. a common pain in the head, going out in the sun, or not having proper sleep or with fever or […]
Today’s generation likes to call themselves ”millennial,” they are the “gadget” generation! Because there is competition in every field since the child enters the kindergarden! Everyone wants to be first […]
I am sorry, but I have to break the bad news to you. There is no TOMORROW, There is no NEXT TIME. The only time we have is NOW.
It has been some 2.5 million years since first stone tools were developed. Since then man has survived the evolutionary test- the rain, the storm, the dinosaurs and even each […]
Whether you work in a demanding corporate or own a taxing business or run the show at home or are a student groping in the dark. We all have long […]
14th November as we all know is celebrated as World Diabetes day, a disease which is rapidly growing in India. India has the highest number of diabetic cases in the […]
The Five Subtle Elements- Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether or Space form the basis for all things found in the material creation, from a grain of sand to the complex […]
Music is not discovered or invented, it’s innate in all of us. It’s not come to surprise then sound healing is been used since many years for healing and harmonizing […]
What is PCOD?? PCOD is a condition where a woman doesn’t ovulate because the body is producing excess androgens and there is infertility. Androgens are a group of hormones that […]
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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