Sulphur is on right side of Row 3 of the periodic table. It sits alongside some key remedies of our materia medica. From left to right i.e.
Natrum, Magnesium, Alumina, Silica, Phosphorus, SULPHUR, Chlorine, Argon

The main issues in Row 3 is of developing one’s identity and expressions of it; like image, choice and ego. Row 3 follows separation and birth; an extended womb stage, where the child is dependent on the mother or care giver for everything – for food, nourishment, warmth, love, protection and care.
The question is; I am born, I am separate – BUT who am I, what is my identity, what am I in this world, how people view me? Individuals stuck at this stage of development are discovering and asserting their individuality, their identity. It is reflected in the choices they make, their consciousness of themselves and other’s impressions about them.
As an individual develops his physical existence in the world and establishes separation from the womb/mother, he becomes ready to develop his individual WILL, and as we go from left side to right side on this row, this “will” goes from being un-developed to very well developed. Depending on which column the person falls in, they may either give up their identity for others (Natrum, Magnesium); be confused (Alumina); fixated/stubborn with their image (Silica); or insist on their choice (Phosphorus, Sulphur); give up on their choice and become resentful or rebellious (Chlorine) or they outgrow this stage and this is no longer an issue (noble gases).
It is important for them to do things themselves, independently – this helps in asserting and refining their identity. I am separate than you, I am different than you, this is mine and this yours. It all boils down to defining this identity.
If a patient with Osteoarthritis needs a remedy from Row 3, he or she is likely to use the language
“I am unable to even climb five stairs without support” (independence vs dependence)
“I cannot even cook food for my family, I am dependent on my husband to cook for me and feed me” (nourishment, food, dependence)
“I have to use a walking stick, this is not acceptable to me, how does this look” (image/identity)
Someone needing Row 4 remedy would say “I am unable to go to work, it’s affecting my duty” or Row 5 would say “I am unable to pursue my hobbies, I used to love going for hikes”
In Sulphur, need of Identity and Ego is very high. The feeling is “I am proud of who I am, I am infact better than you”. It is a foolish ego and pride in the identity – I am better than you, I know better than you, mine is better than yours. Dr. Rajan Sankaran writes a beautiful example that a child needing Sulphur will get very angry if someone takes something from his lunchbox “This is mine don’t touch”
The sense of identity reaches a level of selfishness and self centeredness in Sulphur.
As mentioned above, another key theme for Row 3 is Care & Nourishment. While they are developing or asserting their identity they need care & nourishment from relationships. They seek relationships where there is understanding, comfort, communication, trust and attachment.
Trust Vs Mistrust is a big theme for Row 3. Mother is the most significant figure at this stage. It is the time where mother breast feeds and nurtures her children until they become independent. Along with mother, the family takes care of the child’s needs, the family becomes the primary focus. The child’s relative understanding of world and society comes from the parents and their interaction with the child. If caregivers are consistent sources of warmth, food, comfort and dependable affection, a healthy bonding develops and infant learns to trust that others are dependable and reliable or else a sense of mis trust devops for the world.
Often times when patients needing Row 3 come to us, they talk about themselves, their relationships, their image, their family. Their world and issues revolve around this.
In conclusion the issues of Row 3 correspond to Oral and Anal stages of Erik Erikson’s developmental stages.
Since, oral stage of development is very instinctual, we see lot of spontaneity and impulsiveness in Row 3 remedies. If an infant is hungry he is going to cry or scream and demand instant attention. He is not going to worry whether the mother or primary care giver is in a meeting or travelling or attending to a guest. Hence; instant gratification, impulsiveness, self-centeredness is seen in this stage.
It is also the oral stage; which is concerned with the nutrition of the child. We see disturbances of digestive systems, emaciation, bulimia in remedies belonging to this stage.
One of the main feelings of SULPHUR is self-importance & pampering. Imagine a child who is pampered a lot, he starts to feel he is very important and the center of universe. If an individual is stuck there’ this can cause aggravation if they are not given importance or their ego is not pampered. Hence, we have the key symptoms of being scorned and put down.
Both Platina and Sulphur are present in the rubric “Egotism”, how do we differentiate them. The answer is level of development Row 3 vs Row 6.
The pride in Sulphur is childish, they say things spontaneously and impulsively to flatter their ego. Whereas Platina has the pride of power, they mean what they say and feel responsible for it.
Another Row 3 feature pronounced in Sulphur is “Embarrassment” – they are so self conscious of their image, that they are constantly trying to come up again, to be someone, to know something, to earn respect. If he isn’t good enough in his identity/image/knowledge/relationship etc. he will be scorned and embarrassed. Embarrassment colors the gap between how one wishes to be perceived and how one is actually perceived by others or—much to a person’s chagrin—how they revealed themselves. It specifically relates to our projected image, and this is why Sulphur is so badly affected by this emotion.
– Dr. Preety Shah