What is Chakras? Chakra is any center of subtle body believed to be a psychic energy centre in the traditions of Indian religion. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or […]
SOUL’S TEMPLE, by Dr. Tarmy Kansagra Inspiring you to live a life, being in touch with your own divinity, brightening your universe around. It is easy, it is simple […]
Stress is very common among individuals these days. Stress is felt by generally all individuals irrespective of age and gender. When we are usually stressed our body responds in certain […]
According to a study conducted by the Harvard medical school, people who included nuts as a part of their daily diets were less susceptible to heart diseases and various chronic […]
What is Homeopathy? Discovered in late 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the world’s second largest system of medicine. It […]
Healing Harmony is a Homeopathic Holistic healing initiative. It deals with the healing of the Body, the Mind & the Soul.
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