Signs Your Child Has A Strong Immune System

Diet/Nutrition, Health, Homeopathy, Life

Happy healthy children are big brownie points for parents, giving them a sense of satisfaction and motivation that they are raising their child well. As we start to get the knack for parenting, we understand the parameters of health in young children. We talk about immunity and find ways to keep boosting it. Here are a few quick pointers to understand that your child has a strong Immune system.

  • Fall sick less frequently:

Kids are exposed to various micro-organisms in schools or play areas, parks or pools, etc. practically anywhere, and catching infections easily is actually on their job description. But a child with a strong immunity is less likely to be affected by these infections or even if they do their body defenses act faster to fight off infections naturally.

  • Wound healing is faster:

Children are accident-prone, they fall all the time, they get scraped, and abrased, even bruised or get minor burns, that’s just way how they grow up. That said, healing time in strong, immune children is amazingly high and their wounds heal quickly. Rapid tissue regeneration and repair are signs of a good immune system.

  • Have good gut health:

The gut is where the immune system and bacteria meet. “A huge proportion of your immune system is actually in your GI tract,” says Dan Peterson, assistant professor of pathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. So having normal bowel habits are an indicator of strong immunity.

  • Lively and Energetic:

Children are always bustling with energy. They are bouncy and lively; they keep you on your toes. This might drain you, but high energy means good health. Low immunity affects the nervous system causing fatigue. So, if your child is up and about, kudos to you, for having a healthy child.

  • Focused and good learners:

While academic achievements do not necessarily define health, but having good immunity ensures proper nourishment to the brain resulting in the proper functioning of the neurons and the glia resulting in better focus, sharp memory, and quick grasping in students.

  • They are happy:

An immune system can affect the mood too and vice versa. Children with a good immune system are happier and can cope with stress easily. It is normal for little ones to throw tantrums, feel sad, be possessive and even feel anxious at times. But kids with a healthy immune system can come out of these zones faster and get to their usual, bubbly selves quickly.

So, these are obvious pointers that indicate that your child has a robust immune system.  If anything that looks deviated from the above signs means that something is amiss with immunity and should be corrected through appropriate diet, exercises, and the right medicine. It is largely known, that Homeopathy is the only system of medicine that builds immunity, helps the body to heal naturally, and aligns the mind, body, and soul in sync with nature.

We, at Healing Harmony, are dedicated to natural healing, through Homeopathy and Integrated approaches and have over 15 years of experience in treating kids, making them strong, and ensuring a strong immune system.

You can contact us for your child’s health assessment and evaluation and see how they are fair on the immune scale. We can guide you using the best and safest approach to healthy living.

While Dr. Prajakta Vaidya (MD), co-founder of Healing Harmony specializes in women and children health, Dr. Preety Shah, BHMS, FHPC complements her with her specialization in psychiatry by supporting the behavioral and psychological complaints in children using natural homeopathy.

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