“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it! Watch your life transform and be healthy! Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, and faithfulness the best relationship.”
Embarking upon our mission to spread natural ways to health & wellbeing, Drs Prajakta Vaidya & Preety Shah have always emphasized on natural holistic homeopathy. Healing is an experience that encompasses the whole of you, i.e. your mind, body and soul.
Holistic health is essentially an approach to life which considers the whole person and how we interact with our environment. The holistic approach means to integrate different therapies that support the body’s natural healing system. This approach considers the person as a whole to achieve the rapid, gentle and permanent cure.
What do we believe are the most effective natural holistic ways of healing?
- Homeopathy
- Meditative Processes
- Yoga
- Mindful Eating
- Zen Counselling
Individually these therapies create wonders, but when they come together in an integrated approach, their powers are amplified. Their individual superpowers when put together, fast track your holistic health journey. They are “Avengers” working towards a common goal.
We call it the Power of 5. The universe is made up of 5 elements, so is our body. Each of the 5 powers at Healing Harmony represent and work in their unique ways on each of these 5 elements.
We are now excited to introduce Healing Harmony’s Wellness Circle. WELLNESS CIRCLE is about being a part of a loving community that helps you to inculcate healthy habits, provides you resources to indulge in self-care and thus gets you into the loop of health and well-being!
In this circle, we are offering special discounts on all of our treatment programs, access to monthly yoga and meditation classes, free mindful eating consultation, referral programs and opportunity to attend Wellness Webinars by global experts along with access to our awesome monthly newsletters!
Not just this, you will also get a Homeopathic Home Care Kit absolutely free. You can use this as a first aid box, a natural way of healing minor illnesses yourself at home for yourself and your family.
Mind you Wellness Circle is not just about freebies, but a chance for you to be more self-aware and focus on your wellness goals. This is a chance to meet like-minded people, share and learn from each other’s experiences and grow together! This is an opportunity to create healthy habits for lifetime.
December is a special time for us, many many years back Drs Prajakta Vaidya and Preety Shah started their healing journey on this month and they would love you to join this celebration. We, at healing harmony, welcome you to be join the circle for ONE WHOLE YEAR by investing just Rs. 1000/-
2023 is just round the corner, so let us all gear up to form new resolutions. Let us plan ahead and start early. Getting fit and healthy is everyone’s top most agenda, if not it ought to be J
Let’s gear up for a year full of Awesomeness, full of wellness and full of Spiritual bliss!
“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.”
– Greg Anderson
See you in the Circle!
To know more Contact us on :
+91 7304041836/ +91 8433581011