In-Depth One Year Plant Module

Musing Diaries

Jan 23 to Dec 23


Dr Rajan Sankaran, the pioneer in exploring the Plant Kingdom, traced the common sensations of each plant family and showed how each remedy in the family shares this common sensation, but differs from the others because of the miasm it falls in. This work was further expanded by Michal Yakir, a botanist & homeopath. She systematically classified plant families using the Cronquist system based on evolution of plants from primitive ones to the more sophisticated one mapping them according to development of human individual ego Dr Mahesh Gandhi later integrated this knowledge of sensation,
Yakir’s Flowering Plant Chart & his personal understanding of Erik Erikson’s developmental model. His correspondence with the Mineral (Periodic) Table make Plants more alive than ever. We now have a thorough understanding for all the major Plant groups including Dicotyledons, Monocotyledons and Ancient Plants.


Is a remedy or a patient only a random collection of symptoms? Does Pulsatilla mean symptoms, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6? Or is a patient just a collection of aggravation from fat, desire for warmth and chilly. Is this the patient and is that the remedy?
When we dwell deep on this question, we come to an understanding that each remedy actually belongs to a group. No remedy is random. Each remedy has a particular essence, a particular nature, a particular quality that actually comes from its source from which it comes.
The symptoms are an expression of it’s innate nature but they are only its expression, not the remedy. The remedy itself is the spirit of the source from which it comes.

Core issues in Plants

Sensitivity, Reactivity, Basic sensation and the opposite Adaptability

Once it is apparent that the patient needs a remedy from the plant kingdom, how do we decide which one? Each Subclass (Column) on the Plant Charts (Dicots/Monocots/Ancient Plants) reflects the evolutionary core issues. The
Rows reflect how these core issues are dealt with i.e. coping mechanism as per Eric Ericson’s work. At this cross section in plant chart, one comes to a Plant Order. Within the Plant Order are individual families and remedies. One can narrow down the similimum with understanding of Sensations unique to the family, Miasms or a keynote symptom, or a rubric etc. This contemporary methodology of integrating classical & latest advancements in Plant Group thus is a holistic, practical & full-proof way to come to accurate plant prescriptions in your clinical practice.

Key Highlights

o This One-year in-depth study of plants & journey with Musings aims to revolutionize your homeopathic practice
o In-depth group wise study of each subclass of Plants – Dicots, Monocots & Ancient Plants
o Integrating Sensation Method, Source/Botanical understanding, Personal Evolution, Yakir’s Subclasses, Materia Medica & Repertory.
o Lectures in this module will primarily be conducted by Drs Preety Shah, Dr. Prajakta Vaidya & Dr. Reni Shah
o Dr. Mahesh Gandhi is the Chief Mentor for the trio. He will conduct three lectures for the participants during the course to address their queries on these advanced concepts. These Three (3) Live Q & A sessions with Dr. Mahesh Gandhi are a rare opportunity to learn directly from the master.
o Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn from other Senior guest lecturers who will be invited during the course to present alongside Drs Preety, Prajakta & Reni.

o Several Case Examples & Exercises during the module to deepen the understanding & concepts
o Learning to use Plant Remedies in Acute Prescriptions
o Study Material will be provided for pre-read
o Opportunity to present your cases at Musings
o In-person retreat seminar from 1st – 3rd Dec’23 . The intention is to be in nature, close to the Plant Kingdom energy and study the plants along with yoga, meditation & more
o Recordings will be available for 1 year post completion of the module
o Participation certificate will be provided at the end of the module.


Subclass 1 corresponds to the stage of human embryogenesis, which begins from the moment of fertilization until the formation of the fetus. Human embryogenesis is the process of cell division and cellular differentiation of the embryo. The embryo has no sense of separateness from the mother and exist in the feeling of one-ness with the mother. Ego is beginning to develop but is not really formed. Experience of chaos, confusion and disorder in life. E.g., Orders:- Laurales, Magnoliales, Piperales, Ranunculales E.g., Remedies:- Nux-M, Nuphar, Aconite, Asarum, Sanguinaria, Pulsatilla, Opium


Subclass 2 corresponds to time period from the third month after fertilization until the birth. It is the stage of the unborn offspring in the post-embryogenic period. Here there is a struggle to create a strong boundary for themselves. Ego ecomes more defined Issues coming up here are concerning limits, intrusion and physical problems that are related to the body’s boundaries. E.g., Orders:- Juglandales, Myricales, gales, amamelidales E.g., Remedies:- Cann-I, Jug-C, Myrica, Ulmus


Subclass 3 corresponds to time of separation from the mother’s womb. This subclass represents the process of coming down and out of the womb. The womb is nowredundant, and it is restricting the child’s further growth. Feeling of contraction, suffocation and small. The opposite of that is ‘expansion ‘ and feeling bigger. The ‘coming out’ energy can be seen as the expression of masculine energy. E.g., Orders:- Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae E.g., Remedies: Cact, Opuntia, Fagopyrum, Rumex


Subclass 4 is the stage of nutrition, and the close motherchild relation like the first year of life (infancy). The issues relevant to this subclass concerns the relationship between the mother and child and of mothering itself. It resembles the Natrum Line in the mineral kingdom. Here, most of the plants have to do with nutrition and all food products, supplying nurturing care in the basic necessities of life. E.g., Orders:- Theales, Malvales, Violales, Primulales E.g., Remedies:- Chocolate, Sarracenia, Drosera, Thalapsi


Subclass 5 corresponds to time when child begins his school life. Learns the concept of discipline and being respectful. There is development of Superego.
The focus is more on reaching common goals, building resources, work, protection and external organization.
This column corresponds to the Ferrum series of
development in the Mineral Kingdom.
E.g., Orders:- – Rosales, Fabales, Euphorbiales, Myrtales E.g., Remedies:- Ros-can, Baptisia, Croton-tig, Anac, Ruta


Subclass 6 corresponds to time when individual relates to the group and the world at large. There is a strong Ego and conflict is about experiencing individuality versus having to protect the group.
This column corresponds to the Aurum series of development in the Mineral Kingdom. Issues related female hormones are predominant due to the excessive masculine force that overtakes the feminine qualities. E.g., Orders:- Solanales, Loganaceae, Rubiales E.g., Remedies:- Hyos, Abrot, Lavender, Nux-V, Ignatia, Coffea


Monocotyledons are plants living in their “I” world. The Monocotyledons undergo a similar journey to Dicotyledons but in a less intricate manner. The first column of Monocotyledons has hardly any homeopathic importance with reference to remedies. The second column corresponds to the second column of dicotyledons. The third column of monocotyledons botanically does not exist. The fourth column is analogous in both groups. The last column corresponds to the fourth, fifth and sixth columns of the Dicotyledons. E.g., Orders:- Aricales, Graminales, Liliales etc. E.g., Remedies:- Lil Tig, Trit. Vul, Verat Alb etc


Ancient plants accompanied Earth during its evolution and even survived it’s extinction events. Yakir points out that the relation to extinctions is why ancient plant remedies are not just about beginning of life, innocence, unity & environmental incompatibility, but also about death, disasters, terminal illnesses & end of life- and how to survive them. We have several well known, newly proven & yet un-explored plant groups & remedies that are seedless & non-vascular like Mosses & Liver Worts, seedless & vascular like Lycopodiums, Equisetum & Ferns and Seed bearing, non-flowering gymnosperms like the Cycads, Ginkgo & Conifers (e.g. Gingko-biloba, Taxus Bacatta, Thuja, ANCIENT PLANTS Sabina) in this group.


Early Bird up to 15th Nov 2022:

Indians: INR 12,000/-
Others: USD 450/-

After 15th Nov 2022:

Indians: INR 18,000/-
Others: USD 575/-

1) EMI options are available, reach out to the clinic if you need any support (Only for Indian Residents)
2) Price does not include travel, lodging and boarding for the tentative December in-person retreat seminar. The venue will be finalized upon receiving confirmation on number of participants interested in this retreat set-up learning

About the Speakers

Dr. Prajakta Vaidya, M.D & Dr. Preety Shah, BHMS, FHPC, are founders – heart & soul of Healing Harmony & Karvaan. Insightful and passionate, this duo comes with close to two decades of practice together. Dr. Sankaran & Dr. Gandhi have been their chief teachers & source of inspiration. They practice and teach Classical Homeopathy, Sensation Method and Personal Evolution Method. They are known in the homeopathic world for their initiative of “Musings“, in-depth research methodology, case taking and knack of weaving various methods & presenting them in a clear, practical & engaging way.. Among the younger generation, the duo have gained a lot of popularity especially due their work & courses on Mammals & Molluscs. They have recently led and published credible provings on Scallop & Lac Macropi.

Dr. Reni Shah is a practicing homeopath for over 3 decades based out of Mumbai, India. She often treats 3 generations of patients from the same family- in all types of acute, chronic and psychiatric illnesses. She has witnessed the discovery and systematic application of Sensation Method and has been using in her practice since it’s inception. She was one of the key members involved in the early day sensation method courses. Her willingness to share knowledge has made her very popular amongst peers, globally. Dr. Reni has been sharing her clinical experiences through musings and other discussion forums regularly. She has a unique way of combining undamentals of Homeopathy with Sensation and Personal Evolution ethods in practice eamlessly and will be one of the key speakers during the upcoming Course of Plant Module.


Who can attend this course?

– Participants must have basic understanding of Sensation Method and/or

– Have attended Musing’s module on Basics of Contemporary Homeopathy (12 lectures)

How is this module different from other modules?

– This contemporary Plant Module integrates classical & latest advancements in Plant Group. It is a holistic, practical & full-proof methodology to come to accurate prescriptions in your clinical practice.

– All the major Plant Groups- Dicots, Monocots & Ancient Plants will be covered

– The curriculum is well spaced out so one Subclass is covered each month which gives enough time for the participants to grasp the concept.

Is the recording provided?

Yes, recording of all the sessions will be provided and valid for unlimited viewing for 1 year.

Do we get any certification by the end of the course?

Participation certification will be sent out after the end of module

Is it possible to enroll for part of the module?

We recommend you immerse in the full experience of exploring Plants with us. However, if you want to only study parts of the course, attending LIVE lectures is not possible. You can reach out to our Admin team who can provide you the recordings of a particular subclass or section of the module you are keen on learning.

Can you provide more details on the in-person retreat seminar?

In-person retreat seminar is planned from 1 st – 3rd Dec’23 (Monocotyledons module). The intention is to be in nature, close to the Plant Kingdom and study the plants along with yoga, meditation & more.

What will be the location for this retreat seminar?

The venue is not yet finalized; however, this will be planned in Maharashtra, India; a few hours driving distance from Mumbai. The venue details will be shared with the Course Participants once finalized.

I cannot travel for in-person retreat seminar, will I miss the Monocotyledons lectures planned for 1-3 rd Dec’23?

For participants who cannot travel, we will arrange a LIVE streaming if possible from the venue or share the recording of the three days.

Any Questions?

Call or WA Asmita Patkar +91 7666601598

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