Homeopathy, Musing Diaries

At times, a fever or a cough case can put you through sleepless nights. As simple as it may sound, it can be nerve wrecking at times, especially in acute cases, when there’s not much time on our hands, to hit the perfect similimum.

It is not just the case of these acute conditions that challenge us, but also conditions related to skin put us to the real test !! Don’t you agree ?? While it may not be a painful condition at most times, but it is definitely a cosmetic concern which affects the mental health of the patient who tries to seek any and every remedial measure that is available for quick relief.

Apart from being challenging, the common thread between the above conditions is “Time”. Either the disease demands for it or the patient does!

If you wish to explore these conditions and how to deal with them in your clinic, look no further.

Homeopathy Musings is excited to present “CLINICALS WITH CHANDA”

We couldn’t think of anyone more apt than Dr. Chanda Shah to spill her clinical secrets with us. She is quick, witty and scores high on clinical aptitude. Her observation skills, rubric selection, remedy choices and her humility to learn from her past mistakes and experiences bring her success!

Let us sharpen our clinical skills with Dr. Chanda!


Fever is one of the most common ailments seen in our clinical practice yet one of the most challenging symptom to treat. It often requires keen observation, right totality and right judgement regarding potency and repetition to hit the bull’s eye. The patient does not give much time to the physician during fever. Hence, it is important to be quick at knowing what you are treating and administering the best of your knowledge to provide rapid relief.
More often than not, it is believed that Homeopathy is slow and thus is not suitable for acute cases especially fever. But that’s not true. With the right similimum, you can break this myth that Homeopathy is slow and gain the trust of many patients.
In homeopathy, we strongly believe not to suppress the outward manifestation of the disease but to treat the patient according to nature’s law and allow the body to heal itself in its natural course.
Hence it is important to not resort to suppressive treatments for fever but to know it in its full totality to provide deep healing. Forming the right totality is the first step which includes onset, duration, progress, ailments from, stages of fever, prodromal symptoms, state of the patient, behaviour of the patient, concomitants, type of the fever, modalities, PQRS symptoms, your observations etc.
The totality becomes a solid base to precribe upon. Our repertories are well equipped with minute details regarding fever that help us to form a good totality and choose the similimum. Usually one to few doses of the right similimum is sure to treat fever as quickly as ever.


With Covid around, everyone has become more aware of various respiratory conditions like upper and lower tract infections, pneumonia and its symptoms, dry and wet cough, sense of olfaction, bronchitis etc and how important it is to address it at the earliest.
Our homeopathic books have given a treasury of symptoms related to respiratory complaints. Knowing the characteristics of the patient and matching that with the remedies will help us to identify what is to be administered for the patient.
Homeopathic medicines will not only treat the symptoms but also the underlying issue. It also improves the functioning of the respiratory tract which further helps to remove the tendencies of ill-health.
Knowing the causation, modalities, concomitants, frequency and intensity of symptoms, paroxysms, side affinity, chronicity, pathophysiology etc and looking for a similimum based on the PQRS symptoms, mentals, generals and sphere of action helps to treat the respiratory disease as a whole.
Our repertory has given us a wide range of rubrics. Rubrics for various sounds of cough, stages of pneumonia, time modalities, seasonal affections, side affection, colour of expectoration, paroxysm, etc. Knowing how to utilize them to the fullest for our patient is important. Respiration is an utmost necessity to one’s life. With every respiratory patient you treat, you are helping them breathe back into a normalcy.


Skin complaints actually put our system to the real test but homeopathy has always risen victoriously. Patients with chronic skin complaints often turn to Homeopathy as their final resort. But by then, they have tried several topical applications which have suppressed the original picture of the disease. No patient comes to a homeopath with an untreated/virgin skin complaint. Hence, it can be very challenging for us to treat it and may take a longer duration. It is important to remove the effects of suppression and allow the original unmodified picture to evolve. Since skin complaints are embarassing and a cosmetological concern, patients often suffer from depression and low self-esteem.
A well selected constitutional remedy has the potential to completely reverse the skin symptoms and also save the patient from undergoing mental trauma.
Homeopaths are well known for treating various skin conditions like Eczema, Tinea, Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, etc. Skin issues are usually psychosomatic in nature. Hence, knowing the core issue of the patient, their reactions and sensations, skin modalities and the mental makeup of the person plays a very important role to treat it from the very root. It may take time to treat the disease layer by layer (as most cases are suppressed before coming to us) but it is definitely going to cure it from within and not just from the outside. Which means the results are going to be long lasting and will fetch you a lot of good will from your patients.

5th May, Friday: Day 1: Fever, Respiratory Complaints
20th May, Saturday: Day 2: Skin Complaints

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