– – By Dr Karishma Kotak
This is a case of a woman who came to me on 4/10/2018 diagnosed with hypothyroidism. She was taking thyronorm 62.5 mcg. It had started with swelling of throat which was painless. She used to feel lazy with blankness before eyes. There were no other marked symptoms.
She appeared to me as a mild, friendly woman who was also very lively. She was also very helpful by nature. She can’t see other people suffering. She tells anything to anybody in anger without thinking but not to strangers. Her children feels that she is a very angry mother. Before she was very much interested in making her children study but now, she has become indifferent. Now she feels lazy. She is facing this problem for 3-4 years. She feels as if her system has spoiled.
She likes to remain in company & likes to be with the family. She throws things in anger & hits her children but she feels embarrassed in front of strangers. She feels what other people will think about her. She does everything for the family but she shouts & screams. She likes perfection.
She helps her friends financially, so much so that she can even sell her ornaments for them. She keeps her ornaments at home so that if any family member meets with accident, they can sell it off & use that money. Even if someone keeps their children at her home she’ll look after them like her own children. She feels bad if somebody cheats her. She is very obstinate by nature. She cannot forget past. She cries when she remembers that. If she has fight with her husband, she’ll not talk for one month. She’ll start talking again only after he talks.
She likes to be pampered by her parents. She doesn’t like to fight, avoids it as much as possible.
One of her brothers-in-law died in an illness & she feels very sad about it. He used to stay with her & look after her. He taught her everything when she was newly married. When she used to fall sick, he used to look after her. She cried a lot when he fell ill & was taken to the hospital.
She feels lazy when she is sad. She cries easily when she watches something emotional on TV.
She is happy when somebody else is happy. She is anxious if her children are not well or not doing well in studies. But once they are ok, she takes U-turn. Studies
are very important. Children should be financially well off, better than what they are right now. She doesn’t pamper them much. She is more concerned about her daughter’s studies than son.
(She had told me once during one of the follow-ups that she wanted to become a teacher but her wish was not fulfilled as she got married at an early age. So, she made her daughter study hard & fulfilled her wish.)
She is anxious when some guests are going to visit her home. She keeps everything in a proper way.
She doesn’t like to remain alone so as soon as she finishes her work she goes to someone else’s house or keeps the TV on with a loud noise.
She has fear of dogs. Once one dog came behind her when she was a child & she got fever. She doesn’t like pets. She feels their fur will come in food.
She is a very confident woman. She gives confidence to others also that if she is around nothing will happen to them.
She gets dreams of dead people like her father-in-law, brother-in-law. Sometimes she gets dreams of travelling & going to her native place.
She is fond of ear-rings, handbags – likes to purchase these types of things. If her nail-polish comes out little bit she’ll re-apply.
She is very forgetful by nature & often forget her things at her friend’s home.
Her father had hit her only once when she was young. She was the youngest in family so everybody loved her much.
She is very fast & doesn’t like people who are working slowly.
She tells everything openly to everyone & she is very friendly with her daughter.
She says she trust people easily even if she knows they are not good.
She is also very sympathetic by nature especially towards children & elders. If she comes to know about someone’s poor financial condition, she feels bad.
She likes company & is very talkative.
(Also, my observation was that she was very hypochondriac by nature.)
She likes spicy food & non-veg.
Retake done on 22/10/19
There was no change in her anger. She used to hit her children with a bamboo stick. She is much worried about her son because he takes no tension of his studies.
She feels that her son might not look after her when she will get old so she asks her husband to keep some money in fixed deposit. She has anxiety about future.
She does all the household work on her own. She has no maid. Before marriage she had never worked.
Sometimes she feels lazy & keep on watching mobile or TV. Most of the time she finishes her work but sometimes the house is in mess.
She has fear of lightening & she tell her children not to touch mobile or iron at that time. If her husband gives her moral support, she feels much better.
She has fear of monkeys & dogs. If dog bites, she has to take injection. She doesn’t like pets for the same reason.
She can tolerate heat but not cold. After taking bath in cold water her hands become greenish.
She likes to watch dance programmes on TV. She doesn’t like to travel for long distances.
She had completed 6 months of Teacher Training Course but after that she got married. She stayed at her mother’s place for second delivery & she made her daughter study from home & she scored 93%. She fulfilled her ambition through her daughter.
She has dreams of death of near & dear ones.
Sometimes she keeps money at one place & then she forgets. She is having this problem since last 7-8 months.
She likes to be in company & makes friends easily. She calls her friends home & feed them.
She craves spicy food, non-veg especially small fishes ++, juicy fruits++ & mangoes.
She has aversion to sweets.
When she feels supported, she feels confident in driving scooter & in dancing.
I found her to be a very family-oriented woman (Kali) who was very anxious about her children & angry plus she was friendly, sympathetic, has fear of dogs & lightning. (Phos)
So, my initial prescription was Kali Phos which helped her for a very long time. I started reducing her thyronorm & gradually her TSH came down to normal. I did a small retake on 29/2/20 after which I had raised the potency from 200 to 1M.
Retake done on 27/8/2020
TSH 11.3 on 27/8/2020
She feels lazy. Even after sleeping in the afternoon, she feels like to sleep.
She sleeps for 8 & ½ hours in the night also since last 10 days.
She feels tired. Eyes feel tired. Pain in the ears for 2 days.
Sensation of hair in the throat.
She had dreams of someone’s wedding.
Now she feels no tension.
She likes people who are not selfish. If she feels other person is selfish, she doesn’t keep much relations.
She likes warm food. She likes spicy food especially black pepper, non-veg, chicken, fish, sour food, black tea.
Aversion to ice-cream, chocolates.
She finishes all the household work before leaving the house.
She is hurried & forgetful by nature.
Now she is not interested in buying earrings, chappals, rings.
She trusts her friends easily. She gives money to people without doubting them.
She cannot see anybody suffering especially people who are close to her.
She used to get cough & cold frequently during her childhood. She used to apply Ayurvedic medicine in scalp.
She likes to go to nearby places.
She has fear of horror stories.
Whenever she is free, she reads religious books. She likes to watch family drama & comedy movies. She cries if she watches some sensitive scenes on TV.
She feels sad if her relatives or friends have some problem.
She still remembers her brother-in-law (who is no more) when she cooks something nice. He was very friendly with her.
She feels bad if her parents or husband tells her something.
She feels embarrassed if somebody hits her, feels insulted.
Sympathy or consolation>
According to daughter she feels angry easily. She is friendly but sometime behaves like a baby. She cracks jokes & dances.
After this retake I again came to Kali Phos but this time I raised the potency to 1M & it also helped her. Gradually I stopped her thyronorm.
After stopping thyronorm she remained well for quite a long time but she was still following up because she was getting menses early i.e., every 20-25 days or sometimes less than that. In between she was tested positive for covid on 26/4 21 & she had taken allopathic medicines.
Now again on 15/2/2022 I did her retake as she was not doing well & I made a new case record. This time I completely changed the remedy I gave her Cocculus. The main indication for the remedy was her sympathetic nature & concern for others. Also, I found her to be very sensitive so I gave her a plant remedy which is from the Ranunculaceae family & first subclass.
As we know. Kali is also first column in the Mineral chart & the feeling in Kali is it has no structure & it is completely dependent on others. If we combine this with her friendly & sympathetic nature, we get Kali Phos which had helped her for almost 3 years.
Cocculus is a remedy from Ranunculaceae family & first subclass of flowering plants in which the feeling is they are just coming into the world so everything penetrates as if they have no skin. This woman had no form of her own & she was completely dependant on her family as well as sympathetic towards others.
Now came the twist in the case when she came to me on 8/3/22 for severe ringworm infection. She had eruptions on inner thighs, under her breasts & on buttocks. This time I felt that something is still wrong with my prescription of Cocculus also & I reviewed her case again. The rubrics which I took are as follows: –

To my surprise, the remedy which came very strong was Sepia & then I understood the whole picture of Sepia in her case. Sepia is a very good remedy for ringworm which occurs in spring season. In past also she had one episode of ringworm when I was giving her Kali Phos. She was very animated, liked dancing, had nausea from sight of food & she was better by warm application. She was weeping while describing her complain & was quite indifferent. She feels embarrassed if people come to know about her skin problem & thinks she is dirty. She feels her self-esteem has gone down. She hates animals especially insects & earthworms. She was very irritable & angry & itching used to aggravate at night. She had early & scanty menses & had history of miscarriages. She had also told me about her ambition of becoming a teacher which was not fulfilled. She also liked dancing very much which makes her feel better. All these things led me to think of Sepia in her case which started helping her & within one week the patches were reduced by 50%. I repeated once a week for 2 weeks because she had horrible itching & now I have made it once in 15 days.
Here we can see the all the remedies are from early stage of development & from all 3 kingdoms I had selected a remedy which is early stage. Kali has no structure of her own, Cocculus has no borders & everything comes in while Sepia is a mollusc which are primitive animals.