Isn’t “childhood” the most beautiful period of our lives??
No stress, no worry yet the most engaging, fulfilling and a memorable period for most of us.
Now, it’s our duty to provide the same for our children.
Did you know that 80% of the human brain’s structure takes shape between the ages of 0-3 and 90% of the human brain’s structure takes shape until the age of 5?
So, your 5-year-old child’s brain is nearly as developed as you!!!!
Let’s not forget that our children are little human beings; a separate entity with their own uniqueness and not just a smaller version of you. A lot of us impose our expectations and our unfulfilled desires on our children creating a tough boundary where it’s hard to grow.
Childhood traumas, repressed emotions and unresolved anger in children often build up and make way for chronic illnesses. From our clinical experience, we have observed and confirmed that the cause of various illnesses in a lot of our adult patients trace down to their childhood.
homeopathy helps to unlock the deepest layer and heal from within in the most gentle manner.
Childhood is the foundation of life. Making the right choices for your kids right from their childhood is vital.
Choosing homoeopathy for your children is a good decision as it is completely safe and effective. Also, the cherry on the cake is that children love taking homeopathic pills because it is sweet and very easy to consume. The experience of having medicines is no more horrifying for them.
It is also noted that patients taking homoeopathy right from childhood have a greater resistance to chronic illnesses and not just perform well physically, but also mentally in the long run.
Homoeopathy treats a wide range of conditions and can be used by all age groups from newborn to the aged including pregnant women.
Let’s take a look at a few of them below:
Respiratory infections are the most common ailments seen in our pediatric patients especially in children between 0-6 years of age. Symptoms like Runny or stuffy nose, nasal irritation, sneezing, sore throat, cough, fever are frequently noted among the pediatric population. The upper respiratory tract infections include rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis etc. while conditions like bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia belong to the group of lower respiratory tract diseases. Developing immunity, viral/bacterial infections, atopic history in the family etc. are some of the causative factors for respiratory diseases especially in children. Timely homoeopathic treatment not only helps to prevent the complications but also keeps the frequency of illness under check by working on the general health of the child.
Fever is body’s defense mechanism. Fever is not an illness but a sign that the body is fighting against an infection. Temperature above 100.4 F indicates fever. Most parents panic when their child has a temperature and in order to address it immediately, resort to over-the-counter medications. Fever can also occur in response to injury, tumors, inflammatory conditions, vaccinations or it can also be psychogenic like having a fever on being scolded upon or in stress! Commonly seen viral infections in children include chicken pox, mumps, measles, tonsillitis, influenza, URTI etc. Suppressing fever is more harmful than having a fever. Homoeopathy helps in treating fever in line with the body’s natural healing process and not by merely suppressing the fever or its symptoms.
There is an increasing concern of behavioral disorders among the pediatric population. It is quite challenging not only for parents but also for health-care professionals. Exact cause of it is not known yet. Chronic stress in the family, psychological trauma, complicated or high-risk pregnancy, hereditary factors are seen to be associated in such cases. If you see that your child is having delayed development, frequent temper tantrums, lack of concentration, speech difficulty, impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, sleep issues, repetitive movements etc. over a period of time and is disrupting his/her social functioning, make sure to consult your doctor. Homoeopathy is found to show great results in improving the child’s overall behavior and quality of life. Children show improved social behavior, learning skills, adaptability, and much more. Along with homoeopathy, various therapies like speech therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive behavior therapy etc. help to a great extent.
Hypersensitivity to certain substances is what we term as allergies. The allergens are not always harmful, but that’s what the body thinks. So when these substances trigger the immune response, antibodies are generated which fight against it. This process results in bodily symptoms such as redness, swelling, rashes, itching on the skin; respiratory symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, breathlessness etc.; gastric symptoms like stomach ache, diarrhea, etc. Allergies have a tendency to recur. Commonly known allergens include pollen, dust, dander, mold, certain food substances, medicines, chemicals, etc. Allergies can be passed down through genes or it can be newly acquired. A growing trend of allergies is seen among children nowadays. Modern medicines help in managing the symptoms, however it does not offer complete cure for allergies. Homoeopathy helps to break the allergic tendencies by improving the susceptibility of the patient and thus reduces the frequency of episodes. Over time, homoeopathy can help one get rid of the allergies.
Children are prone to develop skin conditions very easily right from having diaper rashes to allergies to infectious diseases. Children have sensitive skin and the protective barrier of the skin develops with age, thus making them susceptible to infections and allergic reactions. Some of the commonly seen skin conditions in children are dermatitis, impetigo, hives, scabies, molluscum contagiosum, ringworm, hand-foot and mouth disease, etc. Some of them can be self-limiting which means the disease will run its course and resolve without any major intervention while some require timely treatment and care. Applying topical ointments can lead to suppression of the symptoms which will only aggravate the condition further. Suppressed skin eruptions can manifest itself in the form of other organ diseases in later stages of life. This also means that the disease which was present superficially on the skin can become deep seated, if not treated properly or suppressed. Homoeopathy works on the principles of nature and thus does not suppress skin symptoms by topical application. It treats skin diseases not just as a surface disease but as a disease of the patient as a whole. Treating the patient is the aim of homeopaths and not just curbing the external symptoms.
Don’t we frequently encounter children having an upset tummy? Abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, changes in consistency of stool, excessive flatulence, weight loss etc. are some of the common symptoms that your child can present with. Most of these complaints aren’t usually a cause of concern as it may last only for a brief period of time and settle with dietary changes and home-remedies. However, if you observe that your child is having such episodes very often, then it needs to be addressed by a health care professional. A good digestive system is necessary for a good absorption of nutrients which is of utmost importance for the growth of your child. Changing food patterns, increase intake of junk, lifestyle changes are major contributors of GI disturbances not just in children but also in adults. Homoeopathy works excellently in GI cases and you will be surprised to see how effectively it prevents the future occurrence of the complaints. It aids digestion, improves metabolism and nutritional absorption, thus boosting the immunity and growth in children.
These are just few of the commonly seen conditions in children in which homeopathy has shown excellent results. However, homoeopathy has much more to offer! It not only provides treatment to a wide range of illnesses but also focuses on improving the general well-being of patients.
The phase of ‘childhood’ is dynamic with a lot of changes happening as your child grows. Actually, they are not just growing, they are evolving! Therefore, it is necessary for us to provide them with an environment that supports their evolution.
Homoeopathy works in accordance with nature, and strengthens the body’s healing capacity. It provides just enough to the body i.e. only what is necessary, for it to function back to normal, thereby keeping unwanted stimulations and reactions at bay. With just minimum yet effective dosage and holistic approach, homoeopathy provides gentle and natural cure.
Homoeopathy is especially loved by children because it does not equate to the bitter experiences of having medicines. Often we hear children calling the homoeopathic pills as ‘Magic pills’ and we cannot agree more!
These sweet little pills work wonders, nothing short of magic, for your sweet little ones.