Infertility is defined as being unable to get pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex if women are under 35 years of age, or 6 months in women 35 years and older. The WHO states about 60 to 80 million couples worldwide have infertility.
On average, 1 in 4 couples in developing countries experiences infertility. Data indicates that assisted reproductive technology (ART) has increased by 5% to 10% annually.
Infertility is not only about women. Infertility statistics in equations are as follows:
Male Infertility:
Male infertility may be due to various factors like dysfunctional reproductive organs causing an inability to produce the required quantity/quality of sperm or hormones which are not in coordination. Lack of sexual interest with loss of libido, lack of emotional bonding with the partner, or discords between them are also contributing factors towards infertility.
Female Infertility:
Women, now are more ambitious and economy-driven than they used to be earlier. Well, that does not mean that a working woman cannot be a mother. Women who handle multiple roles are usually exposed to various stressful situations and emotional conflicts which pave way for various health issues and cause female infertility in form of menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances, or sometimes inadequacies like improper growth of the reproductive system, and in very few women congenital absence of the glands and the organs.
Causes of infertility are multifactorial. Let’s have a look at the contributing factors.
Clinical conditions in women like ovarian cysts, PCOS, Endometriosis, Uterine fibroids, fungal infections, etc., and many more result in poor ovarian quality or absence of ovulation, or poor uterine conditions for an egg to implant.
Male factors include conditions like ejaculation issues, varicocele, infections, tumors, autoimmune conditions, undescended testes, hormonal imbalances, chromosomal defects, and certain medicines that can result in azoospermia or oligospermia.
People are having pregnancies later in their life. Both men and women are entering marriage and partnerships later in their lives after their extended periods of education, earning, and “settling” and so being parents come quite in the lower lists in their milestones. Aging decreases the quality of egg and sperm, and thus decreases the chance of conceiving.
Poor diet, fast food, junk, and increased consumption of packed and preserved food, refined sugar in both sexes is also responsible. Smoking and alcohol increase the chances of obesity, high cholesterol levels, and even Diabetes which lead to infertility. Lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, and sedentary habits also contribute to infertility.
Emotional disturbances in young couples are on a high. It’s not only the stress about working, but position insecurities, office politics, the competitive environment, and the dire need to prove one’s worth all the time has heavily affected the psyche of young couples. From being emotionally driven to being economy-driven, we as a society have cultivated an unhealthy attitude that really affects our body hormones. Infertility due to hormonal disturbances arising due to emotional upheaval can’t be denied.
Reproductive health effects are interconnected and largely driven by a common cause: the presence of hormone-altering chemicals (a.k.a., endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs) in our world. These hormone-hijacking chemicals, including phthalates, bisphenol A, and flame retardants, have become ubiquitous in modern life. Right from water bottles to food packaging, electronic devices, personal-care products, and cleaning supplies, these chemicals are everywhere. Ever since their use after 1950, sperm counts and fertility began their decline.
We now know that IUI (intrauterine insemination) and IVF (In-vitro fertilization), AI (artificial insemination), and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) are on the rise, and yet they have about 22% of success rates, more and more couples are opting for these repeated and endless cycles of induced ovulation and semen inseminations.
Apart from ART, medical combinations like progesterone gel, cetrorelix, clomiphene citrate, and metformin are used.
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