
What is GERD?

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic disease that occurs when stomach acid or occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into the food pipe (esophagus).
  • Presently, GERD is becoming one of the most common conditions in youth owing to extremely unhealthy food habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, and excessive stress.
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Symptoms of GERD include:

What causes GERD?

  • Recent studies show that GERD is known to be linked to anxiety & stress. Psychological stress tends to exacerbate symptoms of GERD.
  • Faulty food habits are obviously the biggest cause of GERD. Fatty, fried, junk foods, foods with emulsifiers, acidity stabilizers, artificial flavors, packed foods, aerated drinks, etc. are extremely detrimental to health and can not only GERD but a host of other clinical conditions too.
  • Other pathological conditions that can cause GERD are Lower Esophageal Sphincter abnormalities, Hiatus hernia, increased acid secretions, and certain medications like beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, bronchodilators, and anti-depressants.

How is GERD treated?

  • Homeopathy has a solution for treating GERD. In mild and moderately severe cases, Homeopathy can treat the root cause and can normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, correct any functional sphincter abnormalities, and prevent backflow of the stomach contents.
  • Homeopathy helps to alleviate heartburn, chest pain, difficulty in swallowing, cough, and other symptoms of GERD. Homeopathy treats the underlying psychological factors like stress, anxiety, and anger and helps calm the mind.
  • Homeopathy helps prevent recurrences and also helps reduce the frequency of acid reflux.

From over 18 years of practicing and delivering results with Homeopathy at Healing Harmony, Dr. Preety and Dr. Prajakta have treated many cases of GERD and have led patients to peaceful contended lives and helped them get off antacids and antiemetics

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