Salts of Row 1 to 4 of Mineral Kingdom

Categories: Minerals
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If the patient possesses quality of one or more rows/series and one or more column, we need to choose a remedy which is a combination of two or more elements i.e. a salt.

Salts are compounds developed by sharing of electrons and protons.

The donor develops a positive charge and recipient a negative charge. 

In salts anions are more stable than cations. Salts feel a conflict between two extremes-on one hand-incapacity and need to support and on other hand, independence, capacity and self-worth.

Dr. Shekar Algundgi will further explore the salts of Row 1 to row 4 of the mineral kingdom with several case examples.

Master cations and anion salts in this 4 part lecture.

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Course Content

Salts Row 1 to 4

  • General Themes of Salts & Case Illustration of Salts of Row 1
  • Day 2: Understanding the Salts of Row 2
  • Day 3: Understanding the Salts of Row 3
  • Day 4: Understanding the Salts of Row 4