Rare Remedies (Antipyrinum, Bovista, Lac Equinum, Hekla Lava)

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This webinar features Antipyrinum, Bovista, Lac Equinum, and Hekla Lava. This illuminating session goes beyond the ordinary, providing a deep dive into the essence of these rare gems in homeopathic practice.

Highlights of Rare Remedies:

  1. Antipyrinum:

Uncover the role of Antipyrinum beyond the neuralgic pains, headaches, and fevers. 

  1. Bovista:

Bovista or Puffball is a remedy prepared from the common fungus, associated with skin issues, particularly eruptions and eczematous conditions. But how do we identify the Bovista individual? Let’s learn.

  1. Lac Equinum:

Explore the PQRS of Lac Equinum, derived from horse’s milk. Gain insights into its application in homeopathy, understanding the remedy’s symbolic representation and role in addressing various physical and emotional imbalances.

  1. Hekla Lava:

Journey into Hekla Lava, a remedy sourced from volcanic lava. Understand its unique characteristics and applications, particularly in bone and dental issues. 

Topics Covered:

Characteristics and Indications of Antipyrinum

Case Studies Demonstrating the Efficacy of Bovista

Applications of Lac Equinum

Hekla Lava’s Role in Bone and Dental Health

Key Speakers:

  1. Dr. Prajakta Vaidya
  2. Dr. Preety Shah
  3. Dr. Chanda Shah
  4. Dr. Anita Bajaj
  5. Dr. Nirupama Agarwal
  6. Dr. Reni Shah


Number of Sessions: 1

Duration: 3 hrs 

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Course Content

Rare Remedies (Antipyrinum, Bovista, Lac Equinum, Hekla Lava)

  • Homeopathy Musings : Rare Remedies