

  • Alopecia Areata is a condition where there is hair loss from a particular part of the body. It is not a generalized hair fall that people face commonly, but it is an autoimmune disorder in which the hair follicles are damaged by our own immune system and mostly affects the scalp.

Feel free to contact us for more queries on Alopecia Aerata!

Symptoms of ALOPECIA AERATA include:


  • It is an Autoimmune Disease where the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles.
  • Psychological factors that we have observed in our patients with Alopecia Areata are a long history of grief, stress, and major dysfunctionality within the families.

How is ALOPECIA AERATA treated?

  • Homeopathy is usually a safe and the best treatment for most autoimmune disorders, including Alopecia Areata. The aim of Homeopathy treatment is to optimize the overactive immune system, treat at the level of psychogenic disturbances, and prevent further destruction of hair follicles.
  • Homeopathy helps stop bald patches from growing even further. It rejuvenates hair follicles and promotes hair re-growth.
  • At Healing Harmony, we have treated multiple cases of Alopecia Areata and have successfully helped in hair re-growth only with Homeopathy and our Integrated Approaches of Diet, Meditation, Yoga, and much more!
  • Preety Shah and Dr. Prajakta Vaidya and their team of doctors are adept at understanding a patient as a whole, analyzing the detailed physical, mental, and general history, and prescribing the most advanced and well-researched Homeopathy medicines to treat their patients.
  • Here is our patient with Alopecia Areata who has successfully had her hair back with Homeopathy.


Feel free to contact us for more queries on Alopecia Aerata!