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Welcome to Healing Harmony Homeopathy & More Clinic. Homeopathy, as a medicinal field, aims to look beyond the mere physical symptoms. It aims to correct the deeper inner disturbances. Unlike other systems of medicine, Homoeopathy does not look at the diseased person in parts, i.e. it does not give different medicines for headache and stomach-ache to the same person. Instead it gives one medicine for the whole individual. Also, no two persons are alike. Similarly, no two persons react alike in sickness. Though suffering from the same ailment, the symptoms of one person may differ completely from the symptoms of another. As a result, everything that sets apart the suffering individual from another person having the same complaint is studied and analyzed. It is thus holistic and individualistic in nature restoring man’s health in body, mind and soul.
A Homeopathic remedy is mainly selected based on the symptoms you (client / patient) give us. If we are to make a successful homeopathic remedy selection, we must know all the details of your sickness. We must also understand all the features that belong to you as an individual. This includes your reactions to various factors, your past and family history and your mental condition. All this information enables us for proper selection of the remedy.
In order to find out all about you, we shall be asking you many questions. Each one of these questions has a definite meaning and significance for us. You must be free and frank, give us complete and true information on each point. Please read each question carefully, think and then answer completely. Do not keep anything back. Remember, whatever you tell us will remain absolutely confidential.
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